By embracing technology in the classroom, the tech-literate teacher helps foster a more democratic system of education, relevant to students' contemporary experience, while developing and advancing skills and knowledge. Only by embracing technology without fear and learning collaboratively can we keep pace with our students, much less hope to instruct them.
The tech-savvy classroom offers numerous pragmatic benefits -- easier distribution of non-physical materials; access to a real-time, worldwide knowledge base; and enhanced opportunities for student support and parental interaction. But moreover, interactive learning is experiential. By learning through experience, students develop creative intelligence. By sharing these experiences online, students receive encouragement from a worldwide audience, inspiring passion. By connecting these students to one another, we create a new kind of education: a culturally responsive, open-source curriculum, with instant access to everything that has come before, but no preconception of what should come next.
About Me
I'm a University of South Alabama undergraduate pursuing degrees in English and Education, in hopes of teaching secondary language arts. My limited classroom experience to date includes tutoring in an elementary special education classroom, substitute teaching, and field work as required in the course of my studies. My diverse professional experience includes feature and beat writing for newspapers and magazines, graphic/web design, managing publication production teams and overseeing artistic standards, and providing paralegal support for an international law firm.